Aurora User Docs

Interactive Layer

Last updated 10.01.2024

The interactive layer listens for key presses on the keyboard and plays an animation from that key. This can be used to make ripple effects (as shown in the GIF below) or have the key light up and slowly fade out when it’s been pressed.

Pressing keys on an interactive layer with key wave mode


Interactive Effect Type
  • Key Wave - A circle emerges from the pressed key and slowly expands. It is initially Primary Color, then fades to Secondary Color.
  • Key Fade - The pressed key turns the into the Primary Color then fades to Secondary Color then fades out.
  • Key Wave (Filled) - The same as "Key Wave" but is a filled circle rather than only a border.
  • Arrow Flow - A rectangle with a constant height is created at the location of the pressed key and it slowly increases in width.
  • Key Wave (Rainbow) - Same as "Key Wave" but the circle takes on a gradient color, with blue in the inner side and red on the outer side.
Primary ColorThe solid color to set all the affected keys to during the first half of the animation.
Use Random PrimaryTick this to use a random color during first part of the animation instead of using Primary Color.
Secondary ColorThe solid color to set all the affected keys to during the second half of the animation.
Use Random SecondaryTick this to use a random color during second half of the animation instead of using Secondary Color.
Effect SpeedHow quick the animation plays. Higher = faster.
Effect WidthHow thick the circle lines are for the "Key Wave"s, or how tall the rectangle is for "Arrow Flow".
Start when key releasedWhether to star the animation when the key is released, instead of when it is first pressed.
Excluded KeysA collection of keys that will not trigger the animations (but will still show the animation if it passes over).

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