Aurora User Docs

Repair WMI

Last updated 06.05.2024

If this page opened automatically for you, you need to take action to repair your Windows.

AuroraRGB needs Win32_Process class in WMI to work properly. Here you can follow the steps to fix it for Aurora and possibly other software.

  1. Open a terminal (as Admin):

    • In the start menu type “cmd” OR
    • Right click “Start” button and choose Terminal
  2. Enter following command:

    net stop winmgmt

  3. Open a Windows Explorer and locate the path to C:\Windows\System32\WBEM\ folder and rename the Repository folder to something else like RepositoryOLD.

  4. Restart the computer

  5. Open a terminal (as Admin)

  6. Enter following commands:

    net stop winmgmt
    winmgmt /resetRepository

  7. Restart the computer

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